2013, Number 1
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Revista Cubana de Educación Médica Superior 2013; 27 (1)
Characterization of the teaching meeting during the learning evaluation in Human Morphophysiology II
Reyes HD, Quesada PA, Espín FJC, Cuenca DE, Abad AFA, Cruz BMR
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 25-30
PDF size: 86.42 Kb.
A research study was made to characterize the teaching meeting at the time of the evaluation of learning in subject called Human Morphophysiology II in metropolitan district of Caracas, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. A sample of 80 professors and 150 students were the subjects under study. Two surveys were made, one for professors and the other for students, whereas the key informants were interviewed. The characterization took into account the scientific and pedagogic preparation of professors, the proficiency of students in the subject, the most used modalities for evaluation and the main types of questionnaires. Among the recommendations of the study were the dissemination of this research results in the methodological meetings of the faculties, in events and scientific publications; the carrying out of similar studies in other states of Venezuela and the permanent process of improvement in evaluation through methodological preparation activities, the professional and the professorial upgrading.
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