2012, Number 6
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2012; 50 (6)
Clinical guideline. Obstetrical hemorrhage in the second half of pregnancy
Arce-Herrera RM, Calderón-Cisneros E, Cruz-Cruz PR, Díaz-Velázquez MF, Medécigo-Micete AC, Torres-Arreola LP
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 673-682
PDF size: 148.72 Kb.
Pregnancy at older ages and the increased frequency of caesarean
births may increase the incidence of diseases associated
with obstetric haemorrhage. Obstetric haemorrhage is the second
leading cause of maternal mortality, preceded only by preeclampsia-
eclampsia in Mexico and the Instituto Mexicano del
Seguro Social. In recent years several studies have been conducted
to improve the detection, diagnosis and treatment of
women at risk of obstetric haemorrhage to reduce maternal and
perinatal mortality. The objective of this clinical practice guideline
is defining recommendations based in the best available
evidence to standardize actions regarding the diagnosis and
management of obstetric haemorrhage in hospital units.
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