2012, Number 6
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2012; 50 (6)
Analysis of the diagnosis process in short stature
Núñez-Enríquez JC, Arias-Gómez J, Nishimura-Meguro E
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 623-630
PDF size: 55.39 Kb.
Objective: to analyze the diagnosis process of short stature.
Methods: a retrospective, observational and analytical study
in pediatric patients ( age 0-17 years), who were referred with
suspected diagnosis of short height was conducted. Descriptive
and the kappa index statically measures were done to
establish the diagnostic agreement between physicians who
perform the reference and pediatric endocrinologists.
Results: from a total of 341 patients referred only 78 patients met
the selection criteria for our study. The basic protocol of study
had to be completed by endocrinologists in 64 % of cases; the
average duration of the entire diagnostic process (from the date
of reference to endocrinologist until definitive diagnosis was
issued) averaged 196 days. Final diagnoses were: pathological
short stature (45 %), normal variants of growth (46 %) and normal
growth (9 %). The diagnostic concordance between doctors who
performed the reference and pediatric endocrinologists, determined
using the kappa was 0.40 statistically significant (
p ‹ 0.001).
Conclusions: we recommend that primary care physicians must
follow a protocol of study, in order to determine whether it is a
normal variant of growth or short stature.
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