2012, Number 2
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Enfermería Universitaria 2012; 9 (2)
Case study of a patient with oxygen needs alterations secondary to a intraparenchymal hemorrhage, based on the Virginia Henderson conceptual model
Estrada QMG, Rizo VAD
Language: Spanish
References: 49
Page: 46-60
PDF size: 313.86 Kb.
This study case is linked to an adult in critical status being attended in a highspecialty hospital with a medical diagnosis of intraparenchymal hemorrhage. The Virginia Henderson Model was used to address the patient’s needs, and this was complemented with the corresponding neurological assessment. The established methodology followed the directives of NANDA for diagnoses, and NOC (Nursing Results) and NIC (Nursing Interventions) for care planning. The clinical reasoning net for case resolution, in agreement with the Pesut’s proposed Actual Status Results Analysis model was used. This clinical reasoning allows the analysis of the diagnoses’ relationships and thus helps the nurse identify the primary diagnosis-Considering this, a care plan was developed prioritizing the most important needs, and the specialized interventions. The reasoning net was represented through lines connecting the diagnoses clarifying their corresponding inter-influences.
Within the profile of the specialist in Critical Status Adult, clinical reasoning is the way to structure specialized care through scientific knowledge, the decision taking process, the opportunity in the form of thinking and acting, and the intuition. All of these are fundamental tools of a specialist
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