2012, Number 2
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Enfermería Universitaria 2012; 9 (2)
Case Study on a teenage over-dependent on security and protection due to protein “C” deficiency
Gaona VYA, Cruz JM
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 37-45
PDF size: 160.74 Kb.
Objective: divulge the study case of a female adolescent with protein “C” deficiency and over-dependency to security and protection.
Methodology: The Virginia Henderson philosophy oriented Nursing Attention Process was used. Data were collected from primary and secondary sources. Based on the NANDA 2009-2011 and the PES format, fifteen nurse assessments were made; 5 turned out to be: in dependence, 5: in risk, and 5: in independence. The degree and level of dependency was assessed according to the Margot Phaneuf proposed scale. Strategies to help the adolescent reach her independence were planned.
Results: From the proposed interventions and the nursing actions, the patient and her primary care supporter (her mother) identified how to face the principal problems derived from the loss of vision and embolism, and thus future complications were avoided. The primary health supporter role was fundamental to improve the patient’s dependency level.
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