2013, Number 3
Early diagnostic accuracy of the O’Sullivan test in gestational diabetes
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 336-339
PDF size: 60.38 Kb.
Objective: to assess the specificity and sensibility of the O’Sullivan test for gestational diabetes in early pregnancy.Methods: a pilot study in 50 women with low-risk of pregnancy, without history of alteration of glucose was done. The O’Sullivan test consisted in the administration of 50 g of glucose; glycemia was measured 60 minutes after, between weeks 14 and 23 and between weeks 24 and 28 of pregnancy. Value was considered positive with a glycemia = 140 mg/dL. We calculated sensitivity, specificity and predictive values.
Results: O’Sullivan test performed between weeks 14 and 23 was positive in three pregnant women (6 %), and between weeks 24 and 28, in four (8 %); there was no statistical difference in both measurements (p › 0.05). The sensitivity was 75 % (95 %, CI 30.1 % to 95.4 %), and the specifi city 100.0 % (95 %, CI 92.3 % to 100 %).
Conclusions: the O’Sullivan test performed between weeks 14 and 23 of gestation showed good sensitivity and specificity in the diagnosis of early gestacional pregnancy.
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