2013, Number 1
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Correo Científico Médico 2013; 17 (1)
Low Birth Weight Clinical Epidemiological Characterization in Mayari Health Area
Bárcenas GM, Soria PR, Merencio LN, Palencia TR, Roblejo BMC, Roblejo BMC
Language: Spanish
References: 18
PDF size: 150.84 Kb.
Introduction: there was a high incidence of low birth weight in Mayari in 2010.
Objective: to characterize the behavior of low birth weight and associated risk factors in
the health of Mayarí area during 2010.
Methods: a cross- sectional descriptive study on the Mayarí health area of Mayarí
municipality, Holguín province, during 2010 was carried out. The universe was composed
of 540 children born in 2010 and the sample was represented by 30 infants. The prior
informed consent of the mothers was considered. The following variables were analyzed:
birth weight, associated diseases, classification of underweight, weight gain during
pregnancy and the main risk factors.
Results: the weight of newborns behaved between 2000 and 2499 gr. A predominance
of low weights with intrauterine growth retardation was observed. Neonatal jaundice,
hypoglycemia, congenital malformation and bronchopneumonia were conditions that
were associated with low birth weight. There were as more mothers who had inadequate
weight gain. Low weight gain followed by vaginal infection, were the main risk factors.
Conclusions: underweight predominated with intrauterine growth retardation. Neonatal
jaundice, hypoglycemia, congenital malformation and bronchopneumonia were the
associated conditions with low birth weight. There was a predominance of mothers with
inadequate weight gain. Poor weight gain followed by vaginal infection, were identified as
the main risk factors.
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