2013, Number 2
Pyodermitis. Behavior in the Provincial Service of Dermatology of the Teaching Hospital Faustino Pérez Hernández. Matanzas
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 114-125
PDF size: 80.92 Kb.
Introduction: pyodermitis are cutaneous infectious diseases caused by aerobic gram-positive microorganisms (streptococcus and staphylococcus). There has been an increase in the number of pyodermitis diagnosed patients in the dermatological consultation, showing an inadequate management of this disease.Objective: to assess the behavior of pyodermitis in patients treated at the provincial service of Dermatology.
Methodological design: a longitudinal, prospective and descriptive study was carried out at “Faustino Pérez Hernández” Hospital of Matanzas, on a universe of 121 patients diagnosed with pyodermitis. The variables included were: age, sex, predisposing factors and dermatological diagnosis.
Results: male sex was predominant with a 57,9 %. The group formed by people aged 18-30 years old was the most frequent one for ambulatory cases with the 26,4 %, being the group of patients aged 61-70 years old representative of 12,4 % for the in-patients. Superficial mycosis, obesity and inadequate hygiene were identified among other predisposing facts. Mycosis behavior was similar in both groups accounting for 48.8 % and 62.2 % of the ambulatory and in cases respectively. In the diagnosed primary pyodermitis furuncles prevailed with 36.4 % for ambulatory patients and 20 % for in-patients. Superficial mycosis, contact dermatitis and scabies were those of major representation in secondary pyodermitis.
Conclusions: male sex and early age were predominant in the study. Among the main predisposing factors were superficial mycosis, obesity and inadequate hygiene. In the diagnosed primary pyodermitis,furuncles prevailed and we observed an increase of the pyodemitis associated to superficial mycosis among the secondary pyodermitis.
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