2013, Number 2
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Med Int Mex 2013; 29 (2)
Incidence, Clinical- Economic Impact and Classification of Hospital Malnutrition
Hurtado-Torres GF
Language: Spanish
References: 61
Page: 192-199
PDF size: 270.29 Kb.
Hospital malnutrition is a medical problem, highly prevalent around the health institutions. Malnutrition contributes to increase morbidity and length of stay, reduces life expectancy and quality of life, affects functional capacity, increases economical cost and demands
a major mobilization of human and material esources.Hospital
malnutrition is frequently under diagnosed and rarely appears as a final diagnosis in the clinical file. The prevention and identification of malnutrition, are cardinal steps to design and to implement medical nutrition therapy strategies, oriented to modify the clinical course and to reduce or prevent malnutrition associated complications.
Understanding the physiopathological mechanisms of malnutrition, permits the correct classification of malnutrition in the two major categories described: malnutrition secondary to starvation and malnutrition secondary to inflammatory process, chronic or acute; and therefore, it optimal prevention and management.
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