2013, Number 1
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Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas 2013; 12 (1)
Polipharmacy in elders
Serra UM, Germán MJL
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 142-151
PDF size: 59.56 Kb.
Introduction: in the context of our present society is well known the frequency of polypharmacy in elders and also the fact that the incorrect prescription is a recurrent practice.
Objective: to frame the polifarmacia like problem of health in the biggest adult and to specify factors associated to the consumption of medications.
Methods: it was carried out a bibliographic revision concerning the topic. The procedures used were the analysis of documents, the research-synthesis and induction-deduction. These methods brought to light some conclusions.
Development: they are shown the records of the consumption of medications, the aging, the polifarmacia like problem of health and their behavior at the present time.
Results: it is presented a review of the medications consumption since the ancient times. It is expressed the position of the polypharmacy in relation to life expectancy, people's aging and as a health problem. It is shown the factors that influence in the incorrect use of medication nowadays, as well as other aspect to achieve a successful polipharmacy.
Conclusions: in spite of the advantages that modern medications offer they may cause different diseases,disabilities and even death. The factors that have a direct incidence in the use of medications in a proper way include the bad interpretation of therapeutic methods, the great number of amnesic failures, the way of packing medications, factors related to economy and society as well as inestability in the family.
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