2013, Number 1
Knowledge of the staff of infirmary on the digestive bleeding before and after a strategy of the intervention
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 133-141
PDF size: 54.87 Kb.
Introduction: the permanent Education in any profession, you call for a continuous plan of formation. The commitment of the transformation in the labor and social practice, that way like with the quality of attention, he must be conceived under the intersectorialidad's beginning.Objective: comparing the grade of knowledge of the staff of infirmary of the model education for the health in digestive Sangrado like complication of digestive affections before and after an educational intervention.
Material and Methods: a comparative study came true before and after, to 25 nurses, which attended the educational intervention of capacitation of Educación's model for the Health in digestive bleeding, utilizing didactic strategies that allowed the staff having bigger participation.
Results: the studied population's average of age went from 38 years, with one Standard deviation of 5.3 years. Relating to the grade of knowledge of the staff of infirmary of Educación's Model for the Health before the educational intervention, the 80 % proved to be to be Not Made Suitable. The 72 Adequate % threw away after intervention. ( principal than 20 ) it was obtained in the proof of ranges with signs of Wilcoxon for big signs: Z 2,161416 p 0,030664 0,05.
Conclusions: the effect of the educational intervention after the intervention on the grade of knowledge of Educación's model for the Health in digestive bleeding like complication of digestive affections was statistically significant.
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