2012, Number 2
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Rev Mex Periodontol 2012; 3 (2)
Association of factors for compliance with the program of periodontal maintenance in diabetic patients
Gutiérrez RDE, Carvajal MMÁA, Martínez SG, Martínez GGI
Language: Spanish
References: 37
Page: 77-80
PDF size: 493.69 Kb.
Background: Maintenance phase is strictly indicated for the diabetic patient who received a periodontal treatment, due to the increased susceptibility to microbial flora of dental plaque.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to assess the agents that determine the attendance, of diabetic patients in this phase.
Material and methods: 550 clinical files of patients in the periodontal maintenance program at the clinic of the Master in Periodontics in the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, were evaluated. End of periodontal treatment, type of maintenance program, among others, were the factors considered.
Results: 29 of 47 diabetic patients filled the inclusion criteria, however, 21 attended periodically (72.4%). 81% of those 21 patients had a maintenance program scheduled every 4-6 months. 24% received 3-5 surgical procedures. 76.2% had a medium socioeconomic status.
Conclusions: Diabetic patients that received at least one surgical procedure, had a maintenance program attendance of 4 months and belonged at the medium socioeconomic status, assisted regularly at their maintenance phase.
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