2013, Number 1
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Rev Enferm IMSS 2013; 21 (1)
Modelo integrador de enfermería: una estrategia para la Atención Primaria a la Salud
Alarcón-Cerón M
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 35-40
PDF size: 51.48 Kb.
Introduction: The WHO/PHO has indicated that Primary Health Care is the most effective strategy for
promoting equitable and sustainable improvements in health. In line with these efforts Mexico has renovated
the vision of Primary Health Care (PHC), and the Permanent Commission on Nursing has developed
a project for the strengthening of PHC by replanting nursing participation at the primary care level.
Development: The goal of the Model of Health Care (MIDAS) for the year 2025, is that health care
must be provided through the application of an integrated model of attention with a preventative
and curative character for the individual, the family, and the community. This provides an opportunity
for nursing professionals to participate in translating this strategy into action to reach the
objective. The Permanent Commission on Nursing has developed the Integrated Nursing Model for
Primary Health Care project to replant the activities of nursing to strengthen primary care in Mexico.
Conclusions: Nursing in primary care should refl ect the transformations of the concept of health
through the years. Nursing personnel should act in accord with the current context based on a model,
which permits the strengthening of the actions of nursing in health promotion and disease prevention,
incorporating effective individual and community actions for the development of healthy environments.
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