2013, Number 1
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Rev Cubana Pediatr 2013; 85 (1)
Effect of the breastfeeding on the infant vaccination
La Rosa HD, Gómez CEJ
Language: Spanish
References: 54
Page: 76-88
PDF size: 76.75 Kb.
Two of the most important factors in the prevention of diseases in the under one-year old infants are breastfeeding and vaccination. The development of immune responses induced by vaccines requires an effective immune system in which the breastfeeding plays an essential role as an immune maturity inducer in the postnatal phase. Exclusive breastfeeding potentiates the immune responses from most of the vaccinal immunogens included in the infant vaccination programs. With the objective of expanding our knowledge on the effect of breastfeeding on vaccination, a literature review was made by using databases such as Google, Medline and the health information searcher from Infomed and breastfeeding and vaccine as subject headings.
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