2012, Number s1
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Rev Cub Oftal 2012; 25 (s1)
Benefits of Scheimpflug system for the treatment of glaucoma
Domínguez RM, Fernández AL, Miqueli RM, Piloto DI, Fumero GF, Ferrer GMT
Language: Spanish
References: 25
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Scheimpflug´s images as is the case of Oculus Wetzlar´s Pentacam from Germany, are one of the most widely known diagnostic techniques for the evaluation of the anterior segment of the eye. Its evaluating models comprise the central pachymetry and the corneal curvature as well as the correction formulas for the intraocular pressure. It allows the anterior chamber amplitude, volume and depth measurements with high reproducibility, being useful in the evaluation of glaucoma.
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