2013, Number 605
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Rev Med Cos Cen 2013; 70 (605)
Complicaciones de intubación translaríngea prolongada
Zamora PP
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 25-29
PDF size: 180.86 Kb.
Nowadays most Mayor Hospitals have an Intense Care Unit (ICU) in which they have patients with long period intubation, before taking the decision to practice a tracheostomy. With this approach a whole spectrum of airway pathologies related with intubation have emerged. The intubation is a rutinary procedure to maintain airway permeable, and although is a way to save life it is not free of complications. There is a common denominator in patients with complications: translaryngeal intubation, either nasotracheal or orotracheal. Therefore this patients should be monitored periodically and the healthcare personal should be correctly trained to prevent this lesions.
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