2013, Number 1
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Rev Cubana Med Gen Integr 2013; 29 (1)
Knowledge about information literacy in health professionals
García HX, Lugones BM
Language: Spanish
References: 10
PDF size: 210.10 Kb.
Background: information Literacy is an important aspect because it gives you the opportunity to take advantage of the benefits of research which is available in different formats.
Objectives: to determine the level of awareness among health professionals about information literacy.
Methods: a transversal descriptive research was performed in " Eusebio Hernández" Gynecobsteric Teaching Hospital from September 1st to December 31st including a total of 120 professionals. They were selected by a random sampling based on the information skills necessary for their professional development, specifying the following information: use of information search, learning, knowledge about search engines, opinions on advanced search options and their use in daily work.
The data collection was based on the application of an anonymous questionnaire which consisted of three questions to define learning needs using the program for competency development in health that INFOMED is conducting.
Results: most respondents reported that they carried out a bibliographic search to perform academic works and they also reported that they learned independently. The highest percentage knew and used information searchers, but advanced search options were unknown to them.
Conclusions: in this study we could verify the lack of skills in the management and use of Scientific and Technical Information the professionals under this study have, which represents an important challenge for both information technology technicians and health professionals.
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