2013, Number 1
Nuclear volume of hepatocytes in livers subjected to a humoral stimulating factor in isogenic rats, IOR line
Language: Spanish
References: 13
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We studied the behavior of the nuclear volume of hepatocytes in 14 samples of the middle lobe of isogenic rats liver IOR that were subjected to three doses of regenerating liver cytosol at the beginning of the experiment. Samples were taken during eight days with a frequency of twelve hours. The incision was divided into the proximal, medial and distal to the ileum zones. The Morphometric method was applied to determine the nuclear volume of hepatocytes from its major and minor diameter. The results showed that the highest values of the nuclear volume are located in the proximal zone to the ileum, although in all zones there are significant differences between the values obtained in the first half of the experiment in relation to the final part, with marked orientation to decrease what can be due to the presence of stimulant humoral factors in the regenerative cytosol.REFERENCES
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