2013, Number 1
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Bol Med Hosp Infant Mex 2013; 70 (1)
Knowledge, behaviors and beliefs of family planning methods and sexually transmitted diseases among nursing students
Alemán RIS, Cortés EI, Pérez-Cuevas R
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 19-25
PDF size: 85.30 Kb.
Background. Adolescents present risks for their reproductive health such as unplanned pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases that can have a negative impact on their future. Nursing students are not exempt.
Objective. To analyze the relationship between knowledge, behaviors and beliefs on family planning methods and sexually transmitted diseases among nursing students.
Methods. A cross-sectional study was conducted with nursing students at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. We included nursing students from 17 to 24 years of age. Data were collected using a previously validated instrument based upon the World Health Organization indicators. The information was processed using SPSS for descriptive and inferential analysis.
Results. The study included 300 nursing students from the first to the fourth year of schooling. Mean age was 20 ± 1.6 years; ~71% were sexually active. Level of knowledge was different according to age, marital status and educational level. It was lower in the group of 19-year-olds (
t = -5.217,
gl = 298,
p = .0001) and higher in divorced vs. single and married students (
F = 5.462,
gl = 3 and
p = .001). The association between knowledge and behaviors showed a significant correlation at the level of α=0.05 (bilateral) and was directly proportional (
rP = 0.139,
p ‹ 0.05).
Conclusions. The level of knowledge was related to age, marital status and education. The behaviors are equal, independent of the knowledge influenced by the beliefs.
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