2013, Number 1
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Rev Cubana Farm 2013; 47 (1)
Cost of the treatment of t elangiectases and varicose veins with foam sclerotherapy in ¨Freyre de Andrade¨hospital in Havana
García FA, Suárez CA, Pérez LEA, Márquez FA
Language: Spanish
References: 19
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Objective: To determine the cost of the treatment of varicose veins per patient with the foam sclerotherapy in the angiology and vascular surgery outpatient service of ¨Freyre de Andrade¨ clinical and surgical hospital.
Method: A cost description-type economic assessment. The institutional direct cost of the leg varicose veins treatment with foam sclerotherapy at the outpatient service, using the active principle called 0.5% polidocanol at a dose of 2 ml, was studied. The variables were human resources, disposable materials and drugs. The average cost per patient, the total cost and type of service-depending cost were all estimated.
Results: The total cost per patient was 68.60 Cuban pesos. The mean cost per patient at the classification service was 0.18 Cuban cents (SD 95%=0.12). The mean cost of the treatment service was 50.60 Cuban pesos (95% SD=7.65). There were no significant differences among the different types of varices under treatment.
Conclusions: The institutional direct cost of the treatment of telangiectases and varicose veins by using foam sclerotherapy was comparable. In the short term, the treatment of varices with this method brings lower costs than those of the surgical alternative.
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