2013, Number 1
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Rev Cubana Farm 2013; 47 (1)
Use of antimicrobials in 'Doña Leonor Pérez' home for pregnant women in the 2007-2009 period
Pavón PJ, Diaz MM, Mateu LL, Rojas GJ
Language: Spanish
References: 29
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Introduction: The misuse of drugs is a major health and economic problem, which is more sensitive in the case of children, the elderly and pregnant women. There is a great variety of medications and many of them do not have a definitive view of their safety, so the available information for prescription of drugs in pregnant women is poor.
Objective: To assess quality in the rational use of antimicrobials in pregnant women admitted to "Doña Leonor Perez Cabrera" home for pregnant women during the 2007 to 2009 period.
Methods: Retrospective and descriptive, indication-prescription type study of drug use. The review of medical records allowed the study of social variables such as maternal age, gestational age on admission, occupation, diagnosis requiring the use of antimicrobials, most commonly used form of diagnosis and the most prescribed antimicrobials.
Results: Through the analysis of the variables and of treatment regimens, it was possible to evaluate the quality of prescribing antimicrobials. The results led to evidence that pregnant women aged 21 to 30, with gestational ages on admission between 21 and 30 weeks and working women predominated. The pathology that primarily motivated the use of antimicrobials was clinically diagnosed vaginal sepsis in almost all the cases and the most prescribed antimicrobials were azithromycin, metronidazole, clotrimazole and nystatin.
Conclusions: The prescribing quality was generally adequate, the effectiveness of treatment was good and the rational use of antimicrobials was rated as high and acceptable.
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