2012, Number 4
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Rev Cubana Estomatol 2012; 49 (4)
Importance of planning in implantologic rehabilitation
Hernández ML, Martínez RJL, Mesa LD, García PJS
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 312-320
PDF size: 143.80 Kb.
In dental implantology, there are different phases of diagnosis that provide a meticulous study of each case. Obtaining an esthetical, functional, biomechanical and long lasting rehabilitation that meets the patient´s expectations is our priority. This paper was intended to present a clinical case with successful results from an adequate planning of the implantological rehabilitation. A 53 years old female patient, who lost the11th tooth, had adjacent dischromy in the 12th tooth and significant bone loss and vestibularization. Every phase of the implant diagnosis were carried out: making of the medical history, the evaluation of the patient´s health, taking of maxillary impressions to study the intermaxillary ratios assisted by the articulator equipment, diagnostic waxing and surgical splint were made and, finally, elective surgery was performed to place two dental implants, one of them after removal and both with immediate charge. Bone regeneration technique and the gentle handling of soft tissues allowed making all this in a single surgical phase, since this is a highly compromised area from the esthetical viewpoint. It was proved that correct diagnosis and treatment are the key of every dental implant procedure.
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