2012, Number 4
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Rev Cuba Enf 2012; 28 (4)
Risk perception of nurses in patient care living with HIV-AIDS
Olivera JJM, de la Rúa ME, Gracia NA, Ramírez OAM
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 521-531
PDF size: 123.26 Kb.
We performed a descriptive, quali-quantitative, cross-sectional and prospective in order to evaluate the effect of risk perception in nursing care in patient living with HIV-AIDS. The universe was 3067 nurses (as) being the sample of 613 nurses (as) representing 20% of the universe, with the inclusion criteria were selected personnel work directly linked to welfare and represented different occupational categories. Such analysis indicated that the percent reflected a failure to collect was 18.4%, predominantly technical category to 41.5%. Regarding compliance to security incidents and the use of devices located, 5.5% is not taken into account and assumed to relate as professional categories, basic nurses accounted for 7.3% and was followed for graduates 6.2%. The 25.3% of the sample have had accidents or incidents that lead to risk exposure. It is reflected in the analysis of the perception of being contaminated by 24.6%, although it does not feel that affects the individual patient or supposedly healthy.
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