2012, Number 3
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Rev Cuba Enf 2012; 28 (3)
Transculturation in the community-based gerontologic nursing care
Llanes BC
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 195-208
PDF size: 171.39 Kb.
The provision of care to the older adult within the community means to learn the lifestyles, the setting, the feelings, the worries, the beliefs, practices and values of the old people in so diverse events as birth, adolescence, adulthood, old age, disease and death, with a life and cultural history within the community where he/she lives in. Taking into account that the human being presently faces a world of globalized culture where the transfer and transplantation of dominant living forms attempt to deprive those age groups having particular characteristics from their idiosyncrasy, this paper was intended to make reflections on the transcultural care of the elderly within the community. A literature review was made, which covered several texts, articles and brochures on transcultural gerontologic nursing. They were all consulted with several experts in the field of gerontologic nursing and transculturation and this action enriched the criteria underlying our purpose. It was concluded that the transcultural care of the aged people in the community should bear in mind all the aspects of the society in which they live, that is, their language, knowledge, laws, customs and others that influence their personality.
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