2013, Number 1
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Rev Cuba Endoc 2013; 24 (1)
Age of occurrence of deaths from diabetes in Cuba
Domínguez AE
Language: Spanish
References: 37
PDF size: 419.18 Kb.
Introduction: the increase of the gross mortality rate in Cuba in the last few years, together with the accelerated process of population aging, encouraged us to conduct the present study.
Objective: to set the differences in the age of occurrence of deaths from diabetes in Cuba from 1990 to 2010.
Methods: all the deaths occurred from diabetes in 1990,2000, 2005 and 2010 throughout the country were included, and on this basis, the following rates were estimated: rates of years of potential life lost from death per 1 000 pop; the years of potential life lost per each death, the mean of the age of the deceased people; the age of death distribution quartiles and the percentage of the total number of deceased from diabetes per five-year age groups.
Results: the rate of years of potential life lost increased in males from 2.44 to 2.63 per 1 000 pop, whereas that of females experienced a very slight decrease (4.54 to 4.46 per 1 000 pop). The years of potential life lost per each death were reduced in both sexes (15.98 to 14.83 for men and 16.31 to 15.27 for women). The latter was directly related to the increased mean of the age of the dead people, from 67.51 and 69.31 in 1990 to 70.24 and 72.33 in 2010 for men and women, respectively, and to the fact that the three quartiles corresponded to an older age in the years 2005 and 2010 compared to the situation in 1990 in both sexes. The percentages of the total number of death in the 85 y and over age group were 9.9 and 16.2 % in 1990 and 2010, respectively. Death occurred later in females than in men, despite their higher rates of years of potential life lost.
Conclusions: mortality from diabetes in Cuba in the last few years has shifted to older age groups.
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