2012, Number 2
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Cir Plast 2012; 22 (2)
Clinical-educational model for psychological attention in cleft lip and palate patients
Martínez MMG, Espinoza AE, Sigler A
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 96-103
PDF size: 251.76 Kb.
This work is a proposal of a protocol that could be used to treat psychological problems in patients with cleft lip and palate in our country. To focus on the subject, we start with an introduction, framing the proposed model and emphasizing the most relevant professional experiences that were the basis to elaborate the Clinical and Educational Model that has been used in the treatment of cleft patients and their families at the Hospital Infantil de las Californias in Tijuana, B.C. Mexico. A description of the general and specific objectives is given to have an idea what we want to achieve. The methodology based on the theoretical principles and basis of the evolutionary development, the systematic process of family therapy and art therapy based on creative processes. We will refer to flow chart as the process of intervention and the clinical and educational evaluation follow-up and reassessment of the child’s development, the process of intervention and evaluation of the family system as well as complementary programs to treat the patient and his/her family as a unit.
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