2013, Number S1
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Revista Cubana de Angiología y Cirugía Vascular 2013; 14 (S1)
Clinic diagnostic of the deep venous thrombosis
Pérez LD
Language: Spanish
References: 14
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The clinical elements that must be kept in mind to identify the deep veined thrombosis were set forth. The main symptoms and signs were explained and a diagnostic algorithm for this disease was submitted. It is stated that Deep Venous Thrombosis has a set of symptoms that may be confusing for the physician. The detailed anamnesis and the correct physical exam provide important data to arrive at a diagnosis. Well's test and the algorithm suggested by the phlebolymphology service of the National Institute of Angiology and Vascular Surgery can contribute to clarify the diagnostic uncertainties and to narrow the range of illnesses down to reach a diagnosis.
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