2005, Number 4
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Rev Mex Anest 2005; 28 (4)
Anesthetic management of illicit-drug user
Rivera-Flores J, Chavira-Romero M
Language: Spanish
References: 133
Page: 217-232
PDF size: 131.41 Kb.
The use of illicit drugs or psychotropic substances has increased in the past few years, despite the efforts by governments in many countries to stem it. This is due to the fact that the cost of some drugs has been reduced through the combination with other substances or adulterants (cut), so that low-income population also has access to them. Drug use, both acute and long-term, may lead to problems during anesthetic management, since the various drugs can either potentiate or decrease the effects of some anesthetic drugs. Monitoring varies according to the surgery the patient will undergo, the type of illicit drug, and whether its use is acute or chronic. Although there are certain anesthetics that may be used uneventfully, the use of each substance must be considered on an individual basis.
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