2012, Number 5
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AMC 2012; 16 (5)
Work assessment carried out by family doctors and community nurses with surgical outpatients
Cervera EL, Cousin OL, Hernández RR, Rodríguez RM
Language: Spanish
References: 35
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Background: the increase of the health culture of patients, the creation of programmes aimed at improving the state of health of the population and the introduction of minimal access surgery has raised the frequency of ambulatory surgery.
Objective: to evaluate the work done by family doctors and community nurses with surgical outpatients from three health areas of Camagüey municipality, during the year 2010.
Method: an observational, descriptive and crosssectional study was performed with a universe of 4 170 patients and a sample of 196. Data were obtained from surveys, clinical histories and operative reports. Descriptive statistics was used.
Results: family doctors made 50,5 % of the diagnoses,
coordinated the 24,5 % of operations, identified the 52,2 % of postoperative complications and treated the 30,4 % of them. The basic health team healed the 66,8 % of patients, and the 64,8 % of sutures were removed. The 17,3 % of
the cases were admitted and the 68,9 % of patients had a good opinion about the work carried out.
Conclusions: the work performed by basic health team to the surgical outpatients was evaluated of regular.
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