2013, Number 1
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salud publica mex 2013; 55 (1)
Depression: state of the art and the need for public policy and action plans in Mexico.
Berenzon S, Lara MA, Robles R, Medina-Mora ME
Language: Spanish
References: 41
Page: 74-80
PDF size: 189.52 Kb.
Depression is an important public health problem. It is the
fourth cause of disease in the world in terms of lost years
of healthy life. In Mexico, it ranks first in terms disability for
women and ninth for men. There is a high comorbidity between
depression and other mental disorders such as anxiety
and substance abuse, as well as other serious and chronic
physical conditions (e.g. diabetes, and heart disease). Despite
the impact of depressive disorders in the quality of life of the
population, there is a large proportion of people who don’t
get treatment, delaying seeking help and thus don’t receive
adequate assistance. The aim of this paper is to present
an analysis of depression status in the Mexican population
from a public health perspective; it includes prevalence and
associated factors, gaps in care, characteristics of the use of
services and treatments available. The paper concludes with
a presentation of the implications for research and mental
health policy in Mexico.
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