2013, Number 02
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MediSan 2013; 17 (02)
Toxic habits in second year medical students
Ruiz GM, Caballero OV
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 230-236
PDF size: 169.04 Kb.
A descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out during March, 2012 to determine the toxic habits of 42 second year medical students, belonging to Faculty No. 2 of the Medical Sciences University in Santiago de Cuba, for which an anonymous survey was applied which compiled social and demographic data and variables of interest for the investigation. Female sex and the students between 18 and 19 years prevailed among the main results. Coffee, alcohol and tobacco were the most consumed licit drugs; the over-the-counter drugs were the most used illicit drugs, besides beer, rum and prepared alcohol, were the most frequent drinks. Most of the students ignored the damages caused by the illicit drugs to the health of the individuals.
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