2013, Number 02
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MediSan 2013; 17 (02)
Enzymatic determination and heavy metals in the brain and liver in ecotoxicological model Gambusia punctata (Poeciliidae)
Argota PG, González PY
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 221-229
PDF size: 218.90 Kb.
A study during 2011 was carried out in order to evaluate the levels of enzymatic activity and heavy metals bioaccumulated in brain and liver of the species
Gambusia punctata, inhabiting San Juan and Filé ecosystems in Santiago de Cuba. For this purpose 3 stations were selected, corresponding to the upper, middle and lower parts of both systems. Specimens biometrically measuring 2.1-3.0 cm in total length were chosen. Acetylcholinesterase enzyme in the brain and glutathione-S-transferase and catalase in the liver were determined, respectively. Copper, zinc, lead and cadmium concentrations were analyzed in both organs, wet processed and quantified by axial view inductively coupled plasma spectroscopy. In San Juan species the enzymatic levels varied between the stations, being higher and statistically different for females (p<0.05), but in that from Filé they were similar between the parts and genders. Regarding metals, concentrations were not detected in brain, neither lead nor cadmium in the liver. Copper and zinc concentrations were higher in the lower part and lower in the upper one, so that there were differences regarding the Filé species. It was concluded that the enzymes varied from an environmentally different station to another and copper and zinc metals, in spite of being essential, pose an ecotoxicological risk in the San Juan species, due to their high bioaccumulative capabilities.
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