2013, Number 02
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MediSan 2013; 17 (02)
Evaluation of the functional and affective states in the geriatric population of '28 de septiembre' health area
García OA, Prades DRE, Fernández QM, Legrá LY, Zayas MC
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 206-212
PDF size: 270.96 Kb.
A descriptive and cross-sectional study of 108 aged patients with 60 years and over, belonging to "28 de Septiembre" University Polyclinic in Santiago de Cuba , was carried out from April to October, 2011, in order to evaluate the functional and affective states in this geriatric population. Ages from 70-79 years (35.2 %), the female sex (60.2 %) and those who had functional dependence in carrying out 1 or 2 basic tasks of the daily life activity, as well as in 3 or 4 instrumental activities, prevailed in the case material. The affective disorders also prevailed with a prevalence of depression and anxiety.
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