2013, Number 01
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MediSan 2013; 17 (01)
Clinical and neurophysiological evaluation of the rehabilitation treatment in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome
Rodríguez NMJ, Hernández ZMS, Montoya PA, Castro ALR
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 109-116
PDF size: 163.19 Kb.
A clinical and therapeutic multicentric phase III trial was carried out in 42 patients with carpal tunnel syndrome, assisted in the comprehensive rehabilitation services of "30 de Noviembre" and "Josué País García" polyclinics in Santiago de Cuba, from June, 2009 to the same month of 2010, to evaluate the effectiveness of the rehabilitation treatment. The members of the case material were randomly assigned to 2 groups: those who received laser therapy (study group) and those treated with drug and postural therapy (control group). Chi-square test was applied (p<0.05) and the percentage was used as summary measure. Female sex and the age group 50-59 years prevailed in the series. After the procedure, the analgesia was achieved in 33.3 % of the affected patients. In the first group there was electrophysiological variation toward the chronic neurogenic pattern (47.0 %), with improvement in the magnitude of nervous compromise, and the final results were partially optimal (26.2 %), so that the rehabilitation treatment was effective (42.9 %). It was concluded that the physiotherapy can progressively modify clinical and neurophysiological parameters in those presenting this disorder.
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