2013, Number 01
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MediSan 2013; 17 (01)
Suicide prevention in adolescents in a health area of Santiago de Cuba
Rodríguez AF, Mok OY, Cuervo BL, Rodríguez AOD
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 101-108
PDF size: 218.58 Kb.
Exploratory research was conducted in some medical personnel (a psychologist and 6 family doctors) belonging to the health area of "Julián Grimau García" University Polyclinic of Santiago de Cuba, from December 2011 to March 2012, which had the highest rates of suicide attempt in the adolescence during 2011, in order to identify problems in the prevention of such behavior, so that the qualitative methodology was used, specifically the field design and methods: observation, interviews in depth and questionnaire. The results showed a psychological treatment without appropriate preventive and community approaches, irregularities in psychiatry care, little family involvement and disengagement from school. Overall, there were difficulties in the implementation of the National Program for the Prevention and Treatment of Suicidal Behavior, which was linked to the need for learning about the subject and for greater awareness in this respect, as well as to excessive workload in the professionals.
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