2012, Number 12
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MediSan 2012; 16 (12)
Geriatric morbidity in
Tejera IGT, Dinza TD
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 1845-1851
PDF size: 192.72 Kb.
A retrospective, descriptive and cross-sect
ional study was conducted in 130 patients
older than 65 years, selected through simple
random method during their admission to
the Geriatrics Department of "Saturnino Lor
a" Provincial Clinical Surgical Teaching
Hospital of Santiago de Cuba, from June to
December 2011, in order to identify the main
causes of morbidity in these elderly. In the series most of the patients were male with
prevalence of the age group of 65-69 years, and respiratory diseases as cause of
morbidity, mainly bronchopneumonia, followed by a lesser frequency of cardiovascular
and neoplastic diseases predominated, of th
em hypertension and lung cancer prevailed
with a higher number of patients, respective
ly. Rate of prevalence was estimated to
express the morbidity and as statistical su
mmary unit, percentage was used.
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