2012, Number 11
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MediSan 2012; 16 (11)
Quality of the implementation of the Leprosy Program in 'José Martí Pérez' University Polyclinic
Infante TNI, Pacheco QCC, Velázquez SYÁ, Hernández LT, Mendo AN
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 1666-1675
PDF size: 476.10 Kb.
An investigation on health services and systems was carried out in order to evaluate
the quality of the implementation of th
e Leprosy Program in "José Martí Pérez"
University Polyclinic in Santiago de Cuba
, from February, 2010 to the same month of
2011, for which the Methodological
Proposal for the Evaluation of Quality in Institutions
of Primary Health Care was used, designed by
the Public Health Faculty of the Higher
Institute of Medical Sciences in Havana, while the evaluated dimensions were
structure, process and results. There was
participation of the 65 professionals who
worked in the program and of the 39 affected
patients. It was found that this Program
was not implemented with the required qualit
y and that there were difficulties in the
process and the results due to the insufficient competence of the health professionals,
as well as to the dissatisfaction they felt.
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