2012, Number 11
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MediSan 2012; 16 (11)
Emergency endoscopy in patients with acute episode of high digestive bleeding
Riverón QK, González UL, Deborah LLA, Dinza CSA, Romero CD
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 1656-1665
PDF size: 307.59 Kb.
A descriptive and cross-sectional study was ca
rried out to characteri
ze 48 patients with
high digestive bleeding, confirmed throug
h an oral emergency endoscopy in the
General Teaching Hospital "Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso" in Santiago de Cuba, from
January to August of 2012. Male sex (66.7%
), the age group 51 to 70 years (47.9%),
as well as the diagnosis of peptic ulcerous disease (66.7%), followed in lower
percentages by acute lesions of the gastric mucous and the rupture of esophageal
varices prevailed in the case material. Endoscopic treatment was applied in 27.1% of
the patients, none of whom pr
esented with complications attr
ibutable to the procedure.
Emergency endoscopy is the choice techniqu
e to diagnose and treat early hemorrhagic
affections from the high digestive tract, what will decisively influence in no recurrence
of hemorrhage and in the decrease of mortality due to that cause.
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