2012, Number 1
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Invest Medicoquir 2012; 4 (1)
Ultrasound diagnosis of traumatics muscles ruptures in high level athletes
Vila GJM, Anillo BR, Villanueva CE
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 31-43
PDF size: 110.86 Kb.
Introduction. The high resolution ultrasound is a forward technique to osteomioarticular system studio, and is specially order to detection and analysis of traumatic muscle lesions. The ecography is a cheaper and not invasive method, which has become in a very important instrument to diagnosis and evolution of traumatic muscle injuries.
Methods.We practiced a descriptive and transversal studio to 101 athletes who suffered from traumatic muscle injuries symptoms, with a lineal transducer of 7.5 MHz and a
trapezoidal one of 14 MHz.
Results. From 101 cases of traumatics muscles ruptures, 44 athletes belongs to the group of strength and velocity sports, 34 athletes belongs to the group of baseball sport. The biggest incidence of muscle rupture belongs to football players with 14 cases. Fallow by basketball players, with 8 new cases. The athletes’ age range is between 12 and 30 years, with a middle of 21 years old.
Conclusions. The ecography is an extraordinary method to diagnosis of traumatic muscle rupture in an experience hands.
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