2011, Number 4
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2011; 14 (4)
Self-regulation organismic in men that exercise domestic violence
Salazar VRE
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 50-66
PDF size: 294.82 Kb.
The objective of research was to develop and evaluate the
effects of a gestalt group intervention program to facilitate selfregulation
organismic in a group of men who exercise in
domestic violence. This was a preexperimental field of a single
group with design study pretest-postest. The sample is not
probabilistic and is composed of seven men aged between 18
and 50 years of age attending the center of attention to the
violence male (CEAVIM) of the municipality of Mérida Yucatán.
It was applied the Test Psychodiagnosis of Gestalt (TPG) that
measured the degree of the blocking of the phases of the cycle
of self-regulation organismic of men who exercise in violence.
According to the results revealed, that statistically significant
differences were found in the phase of feeling and the blocking
of introjection. The thematic content analysis showed
participants were more in touch with their feelings, took
consciousness of their experiences, they realized that they
needed and they thought options for solution their needs. The
results suggest that gestalt interventions can be a means to
facilitate a broader contact with all of the sensations, feelings
and emotions, as well as to realize what they need to dilute the
introjects that block satisfy the need and take the relevant
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