2012, Number 2
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Invest Medicoquir 2012; 4 (2)
Monoclonal gammopathies caracterization
Howland ÁI, Hernández PJC, Becherán ML, Luna CC, Figueredo PY, Fonseca TN
Language: Spanish
References: 37
Page: 174-187
PDF size: 413.49 Kb.
Introduction. At present there exists clinical interest in the study of the monoclonal gammopathies. This bases on the possibility of studying different illnesses as the malignant diseases and the infections.
Methods.The following study was realized between the 2010 and 2011, and there were analyzed the patient's proteinograms of the Medical & Surgical Research Center in order to characterize the monoclonal gammopathies that appeared in the same ones (11.3 %). The middle age of the patients was 59 years with major predominance in females. There decided the frequency of presentation of the monoclonal gammopathies and the same ones were described in terms of demographic variables: sex and age.
Results. In 52.7 % of the patients a diagnostic estimation was consisting on the monoclonal gammopathies neither in the clinical histories, nor proposal of evolutionary pursuit.
Conclusions. The most frequent cause of monoclonal gammopathies was that of uncertain meaning, and the multiple mieloma followed him.
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