2012, Number 2
Propuesta de un programa educativo sobre caídas por accidentes en los adultos mayores para familiares y cuidadores del Consejo Popular “La Puya”
Language: Spanish
References: 15
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Objectives: To propose an educational program on fallen by accidents in the biggest adults for family and caretakers of the Popular Council "The Goad", Burnt Municipality of Güines. Methods: He/she was carried out a prospective longitudinal descriptive study during the period June 2010 - May 2011. The population was constituted by the 908 relatives or adults' caretakers bigger than which was selected like sample at 116, by means of a sampling non probabilistic for approaches. Questionnaires and interviews were applied, besides the revision of documents. Results: Among the caretakers that compose the sample the feminine sex, the age group understood among the 46 and 59 years of age, the level of basic nivel educational prevailed; while among the low old men their care the masculine sex, the age group understood between the 60 and the 75 years of age prevailed, and those that suffer of diabetes mellitus and arterial hypertension. It was determined that the relatives and caretakers of the sample have a low level of knowledge on the handling of the accidents for fallen in the biggest adults. An educational program was designed that consists of 6 activities centered in the active participation of the relatives and caretakers, to be carried out once a month in the community during six months. The selected group of specialists valued as very appropriate the design of the program of educational activities. Conclusions: To carry out the pertinent coordinations with the Municipal Address of Public Health in "Quemado de Güines", to achieve the implementation according to the calendar programmed in the design.REFERENCES
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