2013, Number 1
Depression and Depression Postpartum in Pregnant Patients
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 25-27
PDF size: 263.08 Kb.
Objective: estimate the prevalence of depression and depression postpartum in pregnant patients of different age groups. Methods: descriptive study. It was assessed, in a random way, depression and depression postpartum (Goldberg) and socio-demographic factors in pregnant outpatients from 12 to 44 years of the Family Medicine Unit No. 51 (FMU) of the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS). It was applied descriptive statistics and χ2 to find differences between proportions. Results: it was studied 103 pregnant women, with an average age of 27.7 years (5.53); most of them with an educational level of High School with 36.9%, married 75.7%, employed 62.1%. On a global basis, it was found depression in 50.5% and depression postpartum in 67%. By age groups, depression was presented as follows: in the Group of 12 to 19 years in 41%; in the group of 20 to 29 years, 46%; in the group of 30 to 34 years, 76%; and in the group of 35 to 39 years, 46; with regard to the depression postpartum in the group of 12 to 19 age it was observed in 75%; in the group of 20 to 29 years, 74%; in the group of 30 to 34 years, 65%; and in the group of 35 to 39 years, at 31%. A sub-analysis was made in which it was compared the most affected group against the rest of the groups, for depression it was the 30 to 34 years (p=0.11) and for depression postpartum the group of 12 to 19 years presented a statistical significance (p=0.006). Conclusions: a high prevalence of depression and depression postpartum was found with a higher prevalence of depression postpartum in the group of 12 to 19 years compared to the other age groups.REFERENCES
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Medina CM, Coffin Cabrera N, Álvarez Zuñiga M, Jiménez Rentería ML, Bejar Nava F, Bejar Nava C. El Médico general como primer contacto en usuarios con depresión e ideación suicida. Revista Electrónica de Psicología Iztacala [Internet]. 2010;13(4):183-96. Disponible en: http://www.iztacala.unam.mx/carreras/psicologia/psiclin/vol13num4/Vol13No4Art11.pdf
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