2012, Number 2
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EduMeCentro 2012; 4 (2)
Methodological proposal to develop correct bioethical practices in the Stomatology students
Espinosa GL, Sánchez ÁML, Otero MJ, Díaz VME, Pineda MME
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 46-57
PDF size: 139.52 Kb.
The teaching-learning process should be conceived as a space where the values, moral and
ethics which are proper of the profession should be linked with the technical and academic
aspects. A cross-sectional descriptive study is carried out on the student´s knowledge about
the bioethical principles during the attention to patients with AIDS. A proposal of
methodological guidelines is designed for the acquisition of correct bioethical practices during
the outpatient’s attention. The universe was composed by 103 students of the 3rd, 4th, and 5th
years of the Stomatology Faculty in the academic year 2009-2010. A randomize, strata, and
probabilistic sampling was composed by 103 students. The results showed low levels of
knowledge in relation to the application of bioethical principles. A proposal is elaborated to
form proper bioethical practices in the Stomatology students.
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