2012, Number 3
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EduMeCentro 2012; 4 (3)
The pedagogical preparation, a necessity for tutors in the Obstetrics and Gynecology specialty
Suárez GJA, Gómez GY, Gutiérrez MM, Crespo PGM
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 105-115
PDF size: 121.09 Kb.
A descriptive research work was carried out with the objective to identify the
modalities, the pedagogical preparation received and the scientific and educational
production of the professors who assume the tutorial teaching at the Mariana Grajales
Gynecological university Hospital. A questionnaire was applied to the professors and
there were checked the individual working agreements and their personal records as
well as the institution teaching and researching files. The teaching staff has 53
professors, the majority of them have received a basic formation in medical education,
but their publications and research works dealing with pedagogical aspects are very
few compared to other scientific topics and they lack knowledge about tutorial
teaching. It is stated the necessity to carry out teaching actions which favor the proper
direction of the post graduate teaching-learning process, which is a remarkable
necessity for tutors.
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