2012, Number 1
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Correo Científico Médico 2012; 16 (1)
Auditive Neuropathies
Fernández RL, Suárez GR, Batista NM
Language: Spanish
References: 34
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Auditive lost affects the language and emotional development, and the adaptation to
the social and familiy enviroment. Those adverse effects can be avoided if the
diagnosis, the treatment and the rehabilitation start early. Neurosensorial
hypoacusias are not the most frequent ones, but they are the most feared because of
their repercussion on the psycho-social development. The clinic entity known as
auditive neuropathy or no synchronized audition is an used term to describe patients
who suffer from lost of audition, mainly in the words comprehension, with the auditive
evocated potentials of the brain trunk absent or abnormal, although acustic
otoemissions and cochlear microphones are normal. In this type of auditive disorder,
the internal ear seems to receive the sounds in a normal way. Howeever, the signals
from the cochlea may be unorganized or the auditive nerve might not be processing
the sounds in an adequate form. Apparently, the auditive afectation commits the
auditive nerve or the internal hair cells and their synapsis, afecting their synchronism.
Nevertheless, the external hair cells are harmless. Within the causes of auditive
neuropathy, genetic causes, adquired causes (infections, toxic and metabolic
causes) and idiopatic auditive neuropathy can be mentioned.
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