2012, Number 2
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Correo Científico Médico 2012; 16 (2)
Characterization of the Benzodiazepines Prescription in Elderly at a Primary Health Care Office
Oropeza PDI, Calero GLM, Torres SR
Language: Spanish
References: 19
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A descriptive and cross-sectional study at a Family Office of Primary Care of Manuel Díaz Legra health area was carried out on the conditions of the prescription habits. The objective of this study was to characterize the benzodiazepines prescription in elderly patients. A total of 17 patients (15.17%) consumed or had consumed benzodiazepines three months before the study was done, 11 of them (64.70%) were included in the group from 60 to 74 years. The female sex prevailed, 13 (76.47%). Approximately half of the patients does not have couple and their educational level was of primary education and 14 of them (82.35%) consumed coffee. Chlordiazepoxide and Nitrazepam were the only medications used; the first one was the most used medication with 13 patients (76.47%). Prescription for anxiety was the prevailing one reprersented by 11 patients (64.70%). There was intermittent prescription and of long duration. The Family Doctor was the one that prescribed more benzodiazepines 12 (70.58%). The insomnia was the cause of nitrazepam giving in all cases. The irrational prescription prevailed .The authors considered that it was necessary to change the prescription of medications in order to improve its rational use, as well as, to foster the responsibility value in the population, especially the elderly people.
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