2012, Number 3
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Correo Científico Médico 2012; 16 (3)
Report of a Patient with Anencephaly
Rodríguez PD, Rodríguez PJ, Galano GCO, Padrón SA
Language: Spanish
References: 7
PDF size: 157.29 Kb.
Anencephaly is a congenital defect of the central nervous system, due to the absence of the bones of the skull and brain tissue. It has multifactorial causes mainly those associated with folic acid deficiencies. Diagnosis is made by ultrasound after 13 weeks of gestation. A patient of 41 years of age with obstetric history of four pregnancies, two births and abortion (induced), with intermediate catchments was presented in this article. The patient was attended at Genetics consultation, where sonographic diagnosis was made which showed alteration of the skull, with age gestation of 17 weeks. After the diagnosis was made, the specialists decided to interrupt the pregnancy which was female with flattened head, and bilateral ocular protrusion, sent to the Pathology Department. The autopsy results showed a fetus of 400 grams and 15 centimeters size, with congenital defect due to neural tube defectneural defect.
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