2012, Number 3
Presentation of a Patient with Retained Implant Overdenture
Language: Spanish
References: 8
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Overdentures are those partial or total prosthesis that are over one or more remaining tooth and or implants. A very important detail in this treatment is the possibility of inserting and removing the prosthesis making with a best oral hygiene and providing a rest time to the mucosa. The step of loading the implants by incorporate the retentive caps to the prosthesis is a critical moment because of the use of materials like the acrylic resin, if the proper measures are not take into account it could generate locks that interfere with the proper insertion and removing of the dentures, causing serious complications in patients. A case was presented in this paper to describe and inadequate procedure that promote the fixing of a complete denture for two years without the possibility of removing it, affecting the patient´s health.REFERENCES
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