2012, Number 3
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Correo Científico Médico 2012; 16 (3)
Subprosthesis Stomatitis in Patients Older than 40 Years of Jesús Menéndez Nursing Home of Holguín
Garcia RB, Romero JCR
Language: Spanish
References: 20
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An descriptive and cross-sectional study was done, with the objective of characterizing subprosthesis stomatitis in patients over than 40 years, of Jesús Menéndez nursing home, of Holguín municipality from March 2009 to March 2010. The sample comprised 100 patients of both sexes with complete or partial dentures of both sexes with removable total and partial dentures. The data were obtained from the patient’s interview and the clinical exam. Absolute and relative frequencies were also used to obtain the information. 66% of patients showed stomatitis associated to the denture, prevailing those with grade I (51.5%). Women had a higher percentage (69.2%), as well as the age group of 81 and over (78.3%). The use of total denture prevailed, being more frequent those that overcame the 5 years in use. The authors proposed to take a particular attention to patients with oral affections.
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